Invest Worcester - Frequently Asked Questions

For more information, call our
Worcester branch at 508-756-0807
or visit us at 24 Gold Star Boulevard in Worcester.
Worcester branch at 508-756-0807
or visit us at 24 Gold Star Boulevard in Worcester.
What is UniBank’s Invest Worcester Account?
The Invest Worcester Account is a socially responsible banking program with both a savings account and lending component designed to help improve Worcester’s future.
Individuals, non-profits, businesses and Worcester municipalities are invited to deposit into UniBank’s Invest Worcester account. Money deposited into the account is leveraged to provide loans in Worcester at favorable terms for three critical areas of need: home ownership, community development and small businesses development.
Why has UniBank created the Invest Worcester Account?
UniBank is committed to making Worcester a rewarding place to live and work and believes that when we work together, we can achieve great things. Invest Worcester is UniBank’s way of generating community spirit for the purpose of making Worcester a better place to live and work.
How does UniBank’s Invest Worcester Account help Worcester?
Invest Worcester addresses the challenges of home ownership, community development, and small business development. The Invest Worcester Account is a savings account available to individuals, businesses, non-profits, and Worcester municipalities that leverages the money deposited to provide loans in Worcester at favorable terms for home ownership, community development and to help small businesses prosper.
Who can open an Invest Worcester Savings Account?
The Invest Worcester Savings Account is available to individuals, businesses, non-profits, and Worcester municipalities. Each individual, business, non-profit, and municipality is limited to one account only.
Who benefits from the Invest Worcester Account?
Everyone wins with UniBank’s Invest Worcester Account! Customers opening an Invest Worcester Savings Account will earn a premium rate of interest on deposited funds. Those funds are leveraged to provide mortgage loans to qualifying Worcester home buyers, support community development projects in Worcester and provide loans at favorable terms to small businesses located in the City of Worcester, MA.
What are the types of home loans that qualify for the Invest Worcester Mortgage Loan?
The Invest Worcester Mortgage Loan is available for those who are purchasing or refinancing a 1-4 family residence in the City of Worcester, MA.
What are the benefits available to small businesses through the Invest Worcester Account?
UniBank will provide small businesses located in Worcester with a premium rate of interest on its Invest Worcester Business Loan or Line of Credit. The Invest Worcester Business Loan/Line of Credit is available for loans of $1 million and less to businesses that have been in business for 1 year or more.
Are Invest Worcester loans available outside of Worcester?
No. Invest Worcester Mortgage Loans are available to individuals and families purchasing or refinancing a primary owner occupied 1-4 family residence in Worcester only. The Invest Worcester Business Loan/Line of Credit is available only to businesses located in Worcester.
I still have questions about the Invest Worcester Savings Account. How do I find out more?
To find out more, contact UniBank’s Worcester branch by calling 508-756-0807 or visiting the branch located at 24 Gold Star Boulevard in Worcester.